Sunday School & Bible Study


Sunday School 9:30 am


Nursery – available for newborn through three years old.
Preschool through Kindergarten – Teachers are Larry and Carol Gutshall
First and Second Grade –  Teacher is Robin Harlev
Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade – Teacher is Lila Clay
They are digging deeper into God’s Word with “Answers In Genesis” for Children.


Grades Six Through Twelve meet in the Youth room 
The teachers are Michael Tyler & Deborah Sebeny.
They are digging deeper into God’s Word with “Answers In Genesis” for Youth.


There are several adult classes available starting at 9:30 am
 Teachers include: Phillip Davis, Jim Harlev, and Doug Johnston
They are digging deeper into God’s Word with “Answers In Genesis” for Adults.

Bible Study Groups  

Men’s Groups

Men’s Bible Study Mondays 6:30 pm

Teacher is Michael Tyler.  Meets in the Fellowship Hall at the church.  A great time
with fellow Christian men digging deeper into God’s Word.

Prayer Groups

Prayer Group Tuesday 9:00 am 

For young and old alike. Come join our “Prayer Warriors”
in the Conference Room at the church for a special time of connecting
with God and seeking His will.


Wednesday Meal / Bible Study & Prayer Time 5:15 pm

 Come join us for a light meal and Pastor Joe Kelley as he teaches us more
about God and His Word. There is also a time of singing and prayer.
  Everyone is invited!

Women’s Groups

Women’s Bible Study Tuesday 10:30 am 

Teacher is Kathy Johnston. Meets in the Fellowship Hall at the church. Get together
with other Christian Women as we study and discuss the Bible together.   

Women’s Dinner & Fellowship (last Thursday of the month)

6:00 pm @ Angela Davis’s home (call for directions) 

There will be a food theme each month for everyone to bring a dish for. 
Come for fun, food and a time get to know each other better.



Youth Group Thursdays @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Come and experience learning and growing in the knowlege of God
and living a more fulfilling life as young adults and enjoying it!
Join us for a fun time together including dinner.


Community Outreach 

Church Breakfast 8:30 am

(Last Sunday of each month)
Come and bring a light breakfast item to share, along with a friend, then both
stay for Sunday School.  What a great way to kick off a Sunday!